Sunday, August 30, 2015


Some critics think im some kind of dork/but all the critics love me in new york/when my lp drops people hit the shops/speakers start bumpin and they call the cops/but that alright you dont need to know me/im not your only hope like obi wan kenobi/dont look to me cuz im not the ladder/just look to jesus cuz hes a lot radder and hes alot phatter and hes the only one that really matters /This world is not my home/I dont belong here/its a great place but Im going to beware/I dont get to attached/cuz a new world is about to be hatched/and that's where I'll be dispatched/not cuz Im good mind you/there are lots of things that can bind you/and blind you/but he breaks the shackles and says RUN! There is no payment for you, it's already been done.

Hook: His words are designed to pierce, and they're fierce.

He is risen/he is risen indeed/they didn't think the messiah would really bleed/but he went to the cross, suffered and died/but 3 days later he was truely alive/he can lay down his life and take it up/no man on earth can drink that cup/wonderful counselor, almighty God/pulling us to safety with his staff and rod/he is the good shepherd and knows his sheep/no one can take them, they are his to keep/he puts us on his shoulders and leads us out/do you know someone with this much clout?/I doubt it/He is good and he is bad to the bone/nobody nowhere can sit on his throne/it's his alone/king of kings and lord of lords/a host of angels are bearing many swords/he is the resurrection and the life/he testifies about himself and the word cuts like a knife.


There is a lion boasting unbelief/but look closely/he ain't got no teeth/that lion is a coward/seeking to devour/that lion is the father of lies/if he's given a chance to kill/he tries/but my lion loves Ryan/so much that he didn't mind dying/he drank the cup the Father gave him/he was in control/you can't enslave him/a lion of a different breed/and he's from David's seed/A Lion King/death, where's your sting?/Grave, ain't nothing but a thing

***Unreleased track***