Friday, July 25, 2014

His Instruments

I'm done/she's the one/Proverbs 31/man I was hooked and booked and not just from the way she looked/I can't imagine being bored/with a girl who loves me and her LORD/man, that's the ideal for God's kids/place all your bets/place all your bids/on this virtuous woman/I get to get her/there's not many of them/what's your want, what's your desire?/after sex is over is anything higher?/There is so much more to love/such as the God we have above/he sees each step we take/and he sees each date we make/so don't make a decision that will hurt you/when you are living a life of virtue/don't let down your defense/you need to fine tune all your instruments

Yo fellas...

A girl is not just a body but a soul/and she respects a man with self-control/so the question of the hour is raised/Is a man who fears God to be praised?/yes, if he takes heed to God's word/and doesn't go on just what he heard/A man that fears God, nears God/and a woman wants a man that cheers God/She doesn't want someone that will cheat her/and especially not someone that will beat her/she wants you to be her leader/and then you'll see just how much you need her/you're killing her life with your advances/and you're destroying all your marriage chances/charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting/and sex before marriage is cheating/your body is a fresh red rose/but look now it is dying from the fertilizer you chose/you need to keep it in water to keep it bloomin'/then on your wedding night/things will be boomin'!

Solomon said all this was wind/but there is forgiveness for all who sin/you need to focus on Christ and Christ alone/don't give away your body till it gone/that ain't a way to live it's a way to die fast/and Satan will lie to you and lie last/brother seek God and repent/you belong to Him/that ain't your instrument.

Hey ladies....

Listen up you can use this/see what happens if you abuse this/AIDS doesn't show favortism it will wreck ya/you need to search for a man who will respect ya/Yeah he has got something that will thrill you/but he also has something that will kill you/don't sell yourself short for pleasure/it's a mistake eternity can't measure/"Oh, but we are in love it is fine."  No, that is two holy temples defiled at the same time/sin is sin no matter/it's not this one is worse, this one is bad and badder/you will destroy your life/before you ever become a man's wife/is this topic to intense?/Well, you are intensely important/you're His instrument.

Watch and pray lest you fall/Satan is after every one of ya'll/protect your body all parts/abstinence will heal your hearts/count on this I know it assuredly/if you live in faith and love and purity/then you will not gratify the evil nature/you will grow to be mature/a vessel Satan can't lure/you will be prepared for the Lord and his work/and you won't have to marry some jerk/society is in an upheaval/so avoid all appearance of evil/John closes his letter with four words/confessing all this hoopla in for the birds/he doesn't go out with fancy titles/he just says Children, keep yourself from idols/follow God and heed your Prince/and make good use of all your Instruments.

***Inspired by a verse in the Bible, Romans 6:13***

***Recorded at The Cave in Atlanta, GA***

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